This guidance highlights best management practices for business waste. Topics listed include universal waste, spent solvents, sumps, electronics, pharmaceuticals.
Residential Waste Disposal
This guidance highlights best management practices for household waste. Topics listed include hazardous waste, electronics, mercury spills, pharmaceuticals, and used oil.
Idaho Promotes Cleaner Air with #WoodstoveWednesday
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is reaching out to residents through an ongoing series of Facebook posts encouraging them to reduce air pollution from their woodstoves used by…
Idaho Eyes Major Water Infrastructure Investments
Idaho’s budget plans call for $300 million of the state’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, estimated at $1.1 billion, to be spent over the next five years to upgrade…
Idaho Develops Two-Year Plan for Water Quality Permitting Issuance
On the heels of its assumption of water quality permitting authority, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has released its 2022 Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program (IPDES) Permit…
Idaho Introduces Mobile Air App to Give Residents Useful Insight
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has introduced a new mobile app, AIR Idaho, to provide users with information on current air quality information. In addition, the app offers a…
Idaho DEQ Becomes 47th State to Assume NPDES Authority
In July, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) completed a multi-year transfer of authority from U.S. EPA after gaining approval to run the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES)…
Idaho and Partners Provide Tips to Prepare for Wildfire Smoke Risks
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, together with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development and Region 10, and local governments, is collaborating…
Idaho Joins States Nationwide in Celebrating Air Quality Awareness Week
Like many state environmental agencies around the nation, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) partnered this week with nonprofit and governmental groups to celebrate the 14th annual Air Quality…
Idaho Touts 2018 Accomplishments via YouTube Video
In a YouTube video on its 2018 environmental accomplishments, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality highlights EPA approval of its proposal to administer the National Discharge Elimination System program. Idaho…