Durable climate and energy solutions require comprehensive and coordinated action to protect the environment, safeguard human health, and grow clean energy economies. ECOS members are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build more resilient communities and ecosystems, and advance clean energy goals.
ECOS members formed the Climate & Energy Workgroup to amplify and share sustainable, bipartisan climate and energy solutions. The workgroup promotes greater awareness and integration of policies and programs across environmental, climate, public health, and energy regulators.
The workgroup also supports cooperation among states and federal agencies to deploy billions of dollars in climate and energy funding through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA), and other programs.
Key Information on Climate & Energy Solutions
Links to information and resources from the ECOS Climate and Energy Workgroup.
ECOS Climate and Energy Workgroup Strategy
This strategy documents the mission, principles, and priority work plans for the ECOS Climate and Energy Workgroup.
BIL, IRA, and ARPA Funding Resources and Information
ECOS maintains this collection of resources and information about climate-related funding opportunities, including announcements of funding availability, applications and deadlines, published guidance documents, informational webinars and fact sheets, and other resources.
ECOS Letter to EPA on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
This ECOS Letter to U.S. EPA includes comments on the design and implementation of the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GHGRF) authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA)
ECOS Letter to EPA on Inflation Reduction Act Air Programs
This ECOS Letter to U.S. EPA includes input and recommendations in response to Requests for Information (RFIs) on the design and implementation of air programs under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022.
Climate and Energy Workgroup Press Release
This press release announces the launch of ECOS’ Climate & Energy Workgroup.
News in the States on Climate and Energy Solutions
Documents from ECOS on Climate and Energy Solutions
Climate and Energy Workgroup Members
Steering Committee Members
- Katie Dykes, CT (co-chair)
- Todd Parfitt, WY (co-chair)
- Julie Moore, VT
- Jim Kenney, NM
ECOS Staff Members
- Kurt Rakouskas
- Rachel Matney