Identifies the geographic location of voluntary sampling for PFAS in public drinking water systems in Missouri.
California GeoTracker PFAS Map
Interactive map of sampling points, drinking water well data, and other locations of PFAS sampling and investigative orders.
New Jersey Private Well Testing Act Data Summary
UCMR 5 (2023-2025) Occurrence Data
Data on 29 PFAS and lithium required for monitoring under UCMR 5 will be published quarterly until completion of data reportin gin 2026.
ATSDR PFAS Exposure Assessment Technical Tools
Aims to help state, local, tribal, and territorial health departments conduct PFAS biomonitoring activities, with the assumption that drinking water is the primary source of PFAS exposure. To request a copy of the PEATT please send a request to
ITRC Sampling and Analytical Methods
This ITRC guidance provides current information on sampling protocols and the development of PFAS anlaytical methods.
ASDWA PFAS Laboratory Testing Primer for State Drinking Water Programs and Public Water Systems
Provides guidance on how state drinking water programs can work with labs to test PFAS in drinkingw ater samples collected from public water systems
ASDWA and APHL Technical Bulletin to Labs Reporting Analysis using various EPA methods
Alerts labs to inconsistencies when reporting analytical results for FPAS from EPA methods 533, 537, or 537.1