Tennesee modernized its Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Program to make it more efficient for staff to know where to go and track progress of applications and work.
States Observe Air Quality Awareness Week
ECOS member agencies spotlight a variety of air quality activities as part of Air Quality Awareness Week 2024. This year’s theme: Knowing Your Air.
Tennessee Marks Food Waste Week with Educational Opportunities and a Statewide Food Drive
TDEC is taking part in this week’s third annual Food Waste Prevention Week with virtual engagement and educational opportunities.
Tennessee Legislature Defers Action, Continues Study of Proposed Wetlands Bill
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sackett decision, states face a changing regulatory landscape for waters that no longer fall under federal Clean Water Act protection. This week,…
ECOS Green Report: State Environmental Justice Highlights in 2023
This ECOS Green Report explores state efforts to advance Title VI and EJ in 2023, and highlights topics examined during ECOS EJ Workgroup meetings.
Tennessee Awards Major Funding to Support Regionalization and Water Reuse Projects
The Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation has announced plans to employ $191.2M in state American Rescue Plan Act funding for the purposes of addressing regionalization, water reuse, and resource…
Tennessee Emphasizes Public Input in State’s First Climate Action Plan
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) is on track to issue the Tennessee Volunteer Emissions Reduction Strategy (TVERS), the state’s first climate action plan under the Inflation Reduction…
Tennessee Augments Fast Charge Network With Two Solar Powered EV Stations
Through an agreement with the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation has installed two new solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in natural areas within the…
ECOS Environmental Justice Workgroup on Evolving EJ Initiatives in Tennessee
ECOS EJ Workgroup welcomed Tennessee DEC to discuss recent environmental justice programs and initiatives.