This plan outlines the Maryland Department of the Environment’s recommendations to the Governor on improved ways of monitoring waste diversion, goals for improved sustainable materials management, and a method of…
Connecticut Coalition for Sustainable Materials Management
The Connecticut Coalition for Sustainable Materials Management collaborates with the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection and over 90 municipalities in Connecticut. The coalition explores ways to 1) reduce…
Construction & Demolition Debris – Recycling Markets Directory
South Carolina aims to helps residents and builders/contractors reduce the disposal of construction and demolition (C&D) debris generated through sustainable material management practices such as reusing, repurposing, and recycling. The…
NC Circular Economy Council
The Circular Economy Council is a group of recycling leaders in NC that discusses how to move to a more circular economy. Members of the Council include leading recycling companies,…
Materials Management Program – Bad Apple Campaign
Oregon’s Materials Management Program highlights numerous methods of material management. One project of emphasis is the Bad Apple Campaign, which inspires households to reduce the amount of food they throw…
NC Recycling Loop
NC Recycling Loop explains to residents what happens to their recycling and compost after it is deposited in their bins. Additionally, a mapping tool is available that displays the location…
Organic Waste Recycler’s Map
This Maryland Department of the Environemnt interactive web-based map allows users to find organic waste recyclers in their area.
California’s Organic Materials Management
This program advocates for better food waste management. Linked on the program’s page are a wide range of subtopics from food waste prevention to compost and mulch to even innovative…
Vermont’s Product Stewardship Program
This project highlights Vermont special recycling programs for certain items that can be recycled, but NOT in the blue bin. These include batteries, electronics, paint, fluorescent lightbulbs, and mercury thermostats.…
Packaging Materials Management Program
This California EPA program promotes the reduction of packaging material usage in the state. Three recycling laws are highlighted along with the Rigid Plastic Packaging Container (RPPC) Program. These and…