Details best practices for cleaning aircraft rescue firefighting vehicles transitioning from AFFF to fluroine-free foam, and provides guidance on availability, testing, and application techniques of F3.
FDA April 2024 Update on PFAS
Provides updates for PFAS testing in general food supply, agency efforts to better understand PFAS in food, and links to analytical results from the total diet studies.
Federal Sustainability Plan
Directs federal agencies to prioritize the purchase of sustainable products and services including products without PFAS.
Designation of PFOA and PFOS as CERCLA Hazardous Substances
Provides links to the final rule, as well as additional resources about Superfund, enforcement, and the history of this designation.
EPA PFAS Communications Toolkit
Provides links to videos, Q&A, fact sheets, other tools to help communicate about PFAS, specifically regarding the drinking water limits announced in April 2024.
Hawaii’s PFAS Environmental Hazard Evaluation and Environmental Action Levels Guidance
Provides regulatory and scientific information on the state’s PFAS hazard evaluation and environmental action levels, which are used in decision making through the hazard evluation process.
Final PFAS NPDWR & Supporting Fact Sheets
Provides links to the final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (e.g., MCLs) and supporting materials, including fact sheets and technical information.
DOD PFAS Task Force Policies
These policies ensure consistency across the DoD Components and help DoD track its PFAS cleanup progress and investments.