In this resolution ECOS requests EPA work with all stakeholders to achieve reductions in mercury pollution consistent with federal statutes and that the federal government support research on alternatives to…
Resolution 24-2: Increasing the Length of NPDES Permits to a Maximum of Ten Years
In this resolution, ECOS supports amending the Clean Water Act to allow for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits “for fixed terms not exceeding 10 years” to allow states…
State Innovation Video 2024: Massachusetts Tackling Cultural Eutrophication in Cape Cod
State Innovation Video 2024: Vermont Healthy Homes Initiative
State Innovation Video 2024: Tennessee Modernized Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Program
Tennesee modernized its Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Program to make it more efficient for staff to know where to go and track progress of applications and work.
State Innovation Video 2024: Alabama Help Keep Our Waters Clean Initiative
State Innovation Video 2024: Arizona Community Science Program
State Innovation Video 2024: North Carolina Private Wells and PFAS
State Innovation Video 2024: Iowa Septic Awareness
Maryland Invests in Upstream and Out-of-State Nutrient Reductions via ‘Pay for Success’ Model
Maryland is funding seven Pay-for-Success projects to reduce nutrient loads entering the Chesapeake Bay.