This week, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation and Enforcement released its Record of Decision on the repurposing of inert decommissioned wind turbine…
Land & Waste
Arkansas Launches Effort to Bolster Recycling Effectiveness
The Arkansas Department of Energy & Environment’s Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has kicked off a project to update the Statewide Solid Waste Management Plan and create guidelines for tracking…
Ohio Environmental Innovation Office Encourages School Recycling Efforts
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) recently shared a video on a school’s recycling program to highlight recycling and the agency’s School Recycling Program Toolkit. Recycling efforts are just…
Rhode Island Conserves Large Parcel of Forested Land
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announced last week the conservation of more than 942 acres of forested land in the town of Burrillville for public recreational use,…
Colorado Proposes Landfill Methane Pollution Reduction Rule
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) is proposing a rule to reduce methane pollution from municipal solid waste landfills. The proposal will consider measures such as a…
Washington Launches Holiday Edition of ‘Use Food Well’ Campaign
The Washington Department of Ecology is embarking on a holiday edition of its “Use Food Well” food waste prevention campaign. Launched in April, the initiative focuses on preventing food waste…
Delaware Makes Strides in Tree Planting Initiative
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC) has funded ten tree-planting projects throughout the state as part of its ‘Tree for Every Delawarean’ Initiative (TEDI), in partnership…
Iowa Issues Three Reports on the Economic & Environmental Impacts of SMM
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) initiative has announced the results of three studies examining the environmental and economic impacts of recycling in the state.…
ECOS Letter to House Leadership on Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines
This ECOS letter to Congress expresses support for H.R. 7779, The Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2024. The letter offers support for the bipartisan proposal that will spur…
New York & New Jersey: ‘Tis the Season for Pumpkin Smashing & Sustainability
With Halloween just around the corner, the states of New York and New Jersey are promoting sustainability solutions ranging from pumpkin smashes to materials reuse. The New York State Department…